How Does Community Solar Work?

Community Solar programs enable utilities to calculate the monetary value of energy produced by Community Solar fields. The owners of these Community Solar fields can subsequently sell these bill credits to ratepayers within the same utility territory.

Let's consider an example: Suppose a Community Solar field near your residence generates $100 worth of electric bill credits in one month. In the same month, you incur a $100 electric bill. Your electric bill will indicate your $100 electric cost and the applied -$100 from the Community Solar credit. As a result, the amount due to your electric utility will be $0. The following month, after the bill credits have been applied to your electric bill, the owner of the Community Solar field will invoice you $90.

In this scenario, the applied Community Solar credit discount results in a 10% savings. Community Solar savings can range from 2.5% to 20%. However, as programs mature and federal and state incentives diminish, the savings obtained through these programs are trending downward. Haven is here to make the renewable revolution easy. Schedule a time to ask questions, sign up, or just chat below.

What if I Have Third Party Electric Supply?

No problem! Community Solar is a credit applied to your electric bill, not an electric supply purchase agreement. This means that in the vast majority of cases, you can enroll in a Community Solar program and have a third-party electric supply agreement simultaneously.

However, it's worth noting that these programs can vary from state to state, utility to utility, and even from one rate code to another.

Fortunately, Haven simplifies the Community Solar process for you. Do you have more questions? Set up a time to get them answered, sign up, or just chat below.